You don’t have to worry about being on an alkaline diet and going out to dinner. I always have a snack before I go out, just in case the menu does not have enough options for me. A few slices of avocado or a handful of almonds is a good snack …

You don’t have to worry about being on an alkaline diet and going out to dinner. I always have a snack before I go out, just in case the menu does not have enough options for me. A few slices of avocado or a handful of almonds is a good snack which will leave you feeling satisfied and not starving when you sit down to eat. This will also prevent making the wrong choices. So the other night I was out to dinner and I had great luck. Don’t ever be afraid to ask your server to bring you a plate of vegetables. They are happy to oblige. I ordered roasted butternut squash and brussel sprouts, followed by a Cesar salad. You can go out!