Ever dream of eating Beef Stroganoff  but being on an alkaline diet you would rather leave out the meat? I have created the taste and texture of this dish using vegetables. I made it the other night for some friends and they just loved it. Of course…

Ever dream of eating Beef Stroganoff  but being on an alkaline diet you would rather leave out the meat? I have created the taste and texture of this dish using vegetables. I made it the other night for some friends and they just loved it. Of course you can make this with a little beef or chicken if you prefer. Just use a little with the vegetables to stay alkaline. This is my vegetarian option. 

Vegetable  Stroganoff    

2 Tbsp. Olive Oil                                                  Serves 4

2 large artichoke hearts ,trim down to the heart. Choke removed and sliced.

( You can substitute frozen or jar hearts). 

8 Brussels Sprouts, sliced into quartes 

1 Leek, chopped

1 onion, chopped

6 oz. box of sliced mushrooms

1 tsp sea salt


1 tsp dried mustard 

1 ½ cups vegetable stock (reserve ½ cup for later)

2 large Tbsp sour cream

½ cup chopped parsley 

I box of spelt pasta

In a large skillet, heat the Olive oil. Add the onion and cook for 5 minutes. Add the leek and the mushrooms and cook for 2 minutes. Add the sliced artichokes, brussels sprouts, salt and pepper. Stir in the dried mustard. Pour 1 cup of the vegetable stock. Cover and cook until the vegetable are tender about 10-15 minutes. (Check after 5 minutes,  add the reserved stock ). When the vegetables are done, stir in the sour cream. Top with parsley and serve with spelt pasta.