Ever dream of eating Beef Stroganoff but being on an alkaline diet you would rather leave out the meat? I have created the taste and texture of this dish using vegetables. I made it the other night for some friends and they just loved it. Of course you can make this with a little beef or chicken if you prefer. Just use a little with the vegetables to stay alkaline. This is my vegetarian option.
Vegetable Stroganoff
2 Tbsp. Olive Oil Serves 4
2 large artichoke hearts ,trim down to the heart. Choke removed and sliced.
( You can substitute frozen or jar hearts).
8 Brussels Sprouts, sliced into quartes
1 Leek, chopped
1 onion, chopped
6 oz. box of sliced mushrooms
1 tsp sea salt
1 tsp dried mustard
1 ½ cups vegetable stock (reserve ½ cup for later)
2 large Tbsp sour cream
½ cup chopped parsley
I box of spelt pasta
In a large skillet, heat the Olive oil. Add the onion and cook for 5 minutes. Add the leek and the mushrooms and cook for 2 minutes. Add the sliced artichokes, brussels sprouts, salt and pepper. Stir in the dried mustard. Pour 1 cup of the vegetable stock. Cover and cook until the vegetable are tender about 10-15 minutes. (Check after 5 minutes, add the reserved stock ). When the vegetables are done, stir in the sour cream. Top with parsley and serve with spelt pasta.